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it's easy...
keep yourself & each other safe

be nice
don't touch others without their consent
respect the space
be present & judgement free
Keep your self and eachother safe
Don't run
Don't leave stuff where it could hurt someone
Stay home/wear a mask if you have any cold symptoms
Avoid bringing in common allergens like nuts.
Be nice
Treat others how you wish to be treated.
Intervene and have a talk when there is conflict
Be generous and compassionate with others
Respect the hard working volunteers that make this happen
Respect the space
our programs can succeed only by trusting our members and the community to care for and respect this space and its contents
Reduce waste & recycle
clean up after yourself
be gentle with the exhibits
let us know if something is broken or dangerous
Don't touch others without their consent
ask for permission before taking your turn, taking others' toys, taking someone's photo or joining a group.
don't touch other people's kids
don't let your kids touch other people
apologize when you mess up
don't take it personally
Be present & judgement free
embrace the opportunity to connect with your family and loved ones
avoid jumping to conclusions or making judgements about others.
a conversation with a stranger could change the course of your life forever
Privacy Rules
We will never give away or sell your personal information to any other entity.
Please respect the privacy of other guests and do not share information about others without their consent.
Information given by teens ages 13-17 enrolled in EDUclubs or mentorship programs is confidential and will not be shared with parents or caregivers unless the information proves an immediate threat to the safety of the person or anyone else.
We may ask to photograph you or your family while you are here. We will ask for permission first.
Do not take photos of other people without their permission.
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