Mon, Oct 14
|Unique Technique Dance Studio
Surviving Toddlers: Parenting Playgroup
8 Weeks; 1.5 hours
Times & Locations
Oct 14, 2024, 10:00 AM – Dec 02, 2024, 11:30 AM
Unique Technique Dance Studio, 3815 Bakerview Spur #1, Bellingham, WA 98226
This is an 8 week playgroup course where we will be playing and learning together. Â This course is about preventing common issues parents have with toddlers, before they become unmanageable and set in stone.
This is not about your kid, this course is about YOU. Â Our projections, fears, trauma, doubts, and low self-respect can profoundly affect how we parent. In most cases, issues like tantrums, aggression, and opposition are mitigated by changing OURSELVES, our perspectives, expectations, and self-esteem.
There will be HOMEWORK and PRACTICE!
We play together for the first half, then have circle or small group discussions while we help keep your kids wrangled and occupied.
Limited to 8 children with up to 2 caregivers per child. Â Recommended ages: Walking - 18 mo
Day: Mondays: 10:00 - 11:30 am
it's okay to be late or leave early
FIRST MEETING: Monday October 14, 2024
LAST MEETING: Monday Decmebr 2, 2024
Fee: Â $120
Unique Technique Dance Studio
3815 Bakerview Spur #1, Bellingham, WA 98226
Bring With you:
- Water bottles with your names
- toys or games you would like to share
- labeled snacks
- change of clothes for kids and parents
- a jacket and layers
- your potty training tools
Important information:
- Please wear layers!
- Building and play is ADA accessible
- Any humans identifying as a "parent" or "caregiver" may attend, regarless of sex or gender. Extended family members are welcome to join us.
- All members are expected to protect the privacy of all members.
- infant feeding, breast feeding and changing diapers are allowed anywhere in the space.